Phone: +49 30 690042290
Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz
Prinzenstraße 84.2, 10969 Berlin
(Access via Oranienstraße)
Business hours
Monday and Wednesday
9:30am – 4:00pm and by appointment
The Education Center against Antigypsyism is part of the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma. Our main focus is on prevention work against antigypsyism and empowerment for Sinti and Roma. Historical and contemporary forms of antigypsyism are addressed and critically reflected upon in educational programs, such as workshops, study trips, and conferences with a broad audience. With offers for multipliers in the (extracurricular) school education sector and for responsible people in the context of civil society (media, social work, etc.), various target groups are reached, the results are implemented in educational work and civil society and thus put into practice.
The offers are oriented towards the needs and background knowledge of the respective target group, barrier-free and free of charge.
The education panel is a place of open and democratic dialogue where minority and majority society come together in equal measure. On the one hand the aim is to sensitize the majority society and thus to counteract antigypsyist thought patterns. On the other hand, to offer members of the minorities a space in which they can set their own topics and thus strengthen their identity. The common concern is to break with the deeply rooted antigypsyist images that have been handed down for centuries and to stand up for the equal position of Sinti and Roma in a pluralistic society.
The Education Center was established in 2019 and builds on the work of the project office in Berlin, which has been firmly established in the German capital since 2015. The proximity of the Education Center against Antigypsyism to the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe Murdered under National Socialism, which was inaugurated in 2012, also makes it possible to take advantage of educational opportunities accompanying a visit to the memorial.