Educational Meeting

Participants sit on chairs and listen attentively during a lecture.
4th Educational Meeting in Cologne 2017 (Photo: Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma)


Dotschy Reinhardt
Phone: +49 6221 981102

What comes after finishing school? What is the next step? Many young people, who are close to finishing school, and many parents, who hope for a secure future for their children, ask themselves these questions. Should they go straight into working life or does the further education at a college, music academy or university offer an interesting and promising alternative?

The Documentation Center has set itself the goal of promoting the educational advancement of young members of the minority and sees the granting of scholarships as an important step in this direction. Under the title “Scholarship Program”, the newly founded Educational Academy of the Sinti and Roma offers a contact and mediation point for those from the minority who have decided to pursue further education.

Which opportunities and chances institutions that grant the scholarships have to offer is a central topic at this Education Meeting. Representatives of several foundations present their institutions and discuss with the participants.  

Sinti and Roma are a disadvantaged minority that has to deal with many prejudices and stigmatizations. What this can mean in the context of an educational career and how individuals deal with it will be addressed in a panel and group discussion.

The Education Meeting is an offer to interested Sinti and Roma, multipliers in the civil rights movement and minority organizations.